Title: Innovative Approaches to Food Insecurity for urban and peri urban poor in Siem Reap (INFOSE)
Project period: February 2011- February 2015
Budget: DKK 7,500,000
Donor: EU (ECs Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid og EU delegation til Cambodia) and ADDA
Partner organisations: Chantiers-Ecoles de Formation Professionnelle (CEFP) and Siem Reap Provincial Training Centre (PTC)
Background and target group:
ADDAs engagement in Cambodia started in 1996, and since then the organisation has carried out prolonged and important projects for the local population with a participant-oriented perspective. In the fall 2010 EU approved the INFOSE projects due to ADDAs dedicated work with poverty reduction, the thorough knowledge of the area combined with a successful track record.
The project is located Siem Reap in Northwest of Cambodia, and will be coordinated from the office in Siem Reap. The project will be executed in Siem Reap and the surrounding 6 municipalities (sangkats) where a total of 30 villages will be included in the project. The target group of the project is poor households where the family members live for below 2 $ per day.
The project will also focus on households with single parents, extended families, vulnerable youth, migrants and disabled people. The goal is that a total of 1800 households will participate in the project and be advantaged by the project activities.
Purpose and method:
The project area has extensive problems with food security and the main goal of the project is to increase the qualitative and quantitative food consumption of the poor households through increased income. The activities that will support this goal are education and information, and by this, the degree of self-sufficiency will increase by the principle of “help to self-help”. The families will receive education in different areas; agro-processing (processing crops into other sellable goods), optimizing the yield from their vegetable gardens and optimized methods for breeding chickens.
Information campaigns about nutrition will be an important part of improving the nutritional consumption of the families. The subjects of waste treatment and health care will also be included in the information campaigns to attempt to reduce among other things waterborne diseases.
Unemployed youth from the target group will be offered educational training on two different schools for skilled trade (see below). They will receive training to become a bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, seamstress, weaver, beautician or many other technical degrees.
Besides ADDA, two essential partners participates in the project; Chantiers Ecoles de Formation Professionnelle (CEFP) and Siem Reap Provincial Training Centre (PTA). CEFP is attached to the Cambodian Ministry of Education and manages training directed at the labor market for young and vulnerable Cambodians. CEFP offer training within silk weaving and sculpturing. PTA is likewise attached to the Cambodian Ministry of Education and offers training in agricultural production and service trade like tailoring and many other technical degrees.
Please see the site for ECs Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid here and the EU delegation to Cambodia here.