Title: Livelihood Enhancement and Association of the Poor (LEAP)
Project period: September 2010 – September 2011
Budget: DKK 430,000
Donor: World Bank
LEAP is a pilot project that was initiated 1st of September 2010 and will run till 30th of April 2011, with a possible extension for a few extra months. The project is supported by the World Bank and will possibly continue in a larger scale after this pilot phase. The strategy for the project is the same as IWEP (Integrated Women Empowerment Project) with integrated Farmer Field Schools (FFS) and self-help groups for women.
After several field visits from experts and consultants from the World Bank during fall 2009 and spring 2010, the bank decided to support the ADDA project. The money is channeled from the World Bank to the state of Cambodia, through the Ministry of Interior to the ADDA office in Siem Reap.
The consultants from the World Bank were very impressed by the good results from IWEP and by the many sustainable self-help groups which the project has established during the last 5 years.
The World Bank contemplates to scale up this pilot project to a larger area and ADDA hopes to be a part of this interesting project in the future. Meanwhile, 2 other actors are also interested in carrying out the project. However, also the Ministry of Interior is very impressed by the good results from IWEP.