ADDAs Christmas Collection 2017
Support the Cambodian and Vietnamese rural families!
– give a contribution to wells, rice banks, water channels, small bridges and roads!
Your contributions to former years Christmas Collections have meant a huge difference to many poor families. You still see great needs to do collections for the rural families in the villages in Cambodia and Vietnam, therefore ADDA is again launching Christmas Collections. Like last year, you can give a Christmas present to family and friends supporting the self-help groups and villagers in Cambodia and Vietnam, and it will contribute to the sustainability of ADDA’s projects. You can deduct the amount from SKAT.
The contributions go untouched to small development projects. Wells for clean drinking water and water to the crops, ensuring shelters for rice, called a rice bank, smaller bridges and (gravel) roads in remote lands, so farmers can transport and sell their products.
Contributions can be credited to ADDA’s account: 9324 Kontonr: 3245623703
Remember to enter full name, address and cpr. no. Everyone will receive a letter from ADDA as proof of the Christmas gift, and the amount can be deducted from the tax return. ADDA is approved under the Assesment Act, and we report the contribution to SKAT (tax authorities) when you provide your name, address and If you have any questions, contact ADDA on +45 24 47 13 07 or by e-mail:
Thousands of poor families have experienced a boost in income and living conditions after they have participated in ADDA’s projects. The method is based on “help to self-help”. Farmers learn new cultivation methods, they form self-help groups, and several form associations and cooperative associations. They also learn about the marketing of their products while strengthening their arguments for the authorities, what we call advocacy.
All of this is funded through the many grants for projects that ADDA has gained over the years. Eg. DANIDA, and CISU (‘Civil Society in Development’, under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), the EU, and various private funds. But there is also a part of needs of the rural families, which are not supported by these funds. Here comes smaller private donations in. Think about how big a difference, e.g. a well with clean drinking water can mean to a poor family.