Become a sponsor


Here you can see who contributed to ADDA in 2012- 2015. 

Thank you very much – for all your contributions!

If you want to sponsor you can take contact to the ADDA secretariat on email, or on phone, +45 24 47 13 07, or read here how you can do.

FAHU Foundation to Cambodia: 300.000 kr.

Christmas Collection 2014:

We mention donations above 250 kr, and we are thanking 85 others, which have donated smaller amounts to the Christmas Collection.

Axel E. Pallesen: 2000 kr.; Peder Andersen: 400 kr.; Bodil E. Pallesen: 1000 kr.; Lene H. Madsen: 500 kr.; Søren Thorndal Jørgensen: 2000 kr.; Kate Farcinsen: 2500 kr.; Kjeld Vodder Nielsen: 600 kr.; Ove Gejl Christensen: 400 kr.; Jacob Winther Nymand: 1000 kr.; Holger Hansen: 1000 kr.; Kirsten Lund: 300 kr.; Lars Otto Kristensen: 500 kr.; Morten Zwergius: 1000 kr.; Niels Morten Laursen: 2000 kr.; D. Kestner: 500 kr.; Tina Madsen: 500 kr.; Tine Ravn Sørensen: 500 kr.; Inge Jensen: 250 kr.; Carsten Christensen: 500 kr.; Lars Ole Sørensen: 1800 kr.; Jens Ejvind Stordal: 500 kr.; Holger Hansen: 1000 kr.


FAHU Foundation to Cambodia:  600.000 kr.

Tips forening:  58.657,30 kr.

Kenneth O. Hoegh: 10.000 kr.


Jubilæumsfonden af 12/8 1973 to Cambodia: 17.500 kr.

Lauritzen Fonden, to Cambodia: 40.000 kr.

Detlef Kestner: 500 kr.

Aarhus Vestre Inner Wheel Klub to Cambodia: 5.000 kr.

Zonta Århus 1996 to Cambodia: 25.000 kr.

Bøgeskovminde: 500 kr.


Carsten Christensen: 500 kr.

Niels Kjeld Dalsgaard to Cambodia: 500 kr.

Mogens Brix Nielsen to Cambodia: 500 kr.

Birthe Justesens Fond to Vietnam: 150.000 kr.

AgroTech to Tanzania: 25.000 kr.

Y´s Menetter Region Danmark to Cambodia: 10.000 kr.

Foreningen Roskilde Festival to Vietnam: 75.000 kr.

Jubilæumsfonden af 12/8 1973 to Vietnam: 7.500 kr.

Lauritzen Fonden to Vietnam: 75.000 kr.

Lions Club Skjern-Tarm to Cambodia: 5.000 kr.