Fejring af CISOM-projektet ved stor officiel workshop i Oddar Meanchey, Cambodia
CISOM I (“Empowerment of Civil Society in Oddar Meanchey”) afsluttes med bravour, og CISOM II åbnes ved officiel ceremoni i Oddar Meanchey. Fungerende guvernør Mr. Sy Prasit og øvrige lokale myndigheder gav stor opbakning til de mange lokale bønder, som repræsenterede 80 selvhjælpsgrupper i provinsen. Der var i alt 240 fremmødte til begivenheden. Mrs. Yun Sinang fra ADDAs lokale samarbejdspartner, READA, forestod workshoppen og fremlagde sammen med Mr. Lok Sokthea de fine resultater fra CISOM I. Fra ADDA holdt Bodil Pallesen, landeleder for Cambodia og projektkoordinator Kjeld Vodder Nielsen tale.
Alle talere udtrykte store forventninger og gode ønsker for projektets fortsættelse i det treårige project CISOM II. ADDA har modtaget støtte fra CISU til CISOM-projekterne i Cambodia. Læs Bodil Pallesens tale og se flere billeder her.
Closing Workshop on “Empowerment of Civil Society in Oddar Meanchey” (CISOM I) Project and the Opening Workshop for CISOM-II. February 18, 2016.
Welcome Speech of Mrs. Bodil Pallesen , Directress of ADDA
in Closing Workshop on “Empowerment of Civil Society in Oddar Meanchey” (CISOM I) Project and the Opening Workshop for CISOM-II
Firstly, on behalf of ADDA and the project partners READA, CIDO, KBA, RCEDO and myself, I would like to pay my respect to:
- His Excellency Sy Prasith, Acting Provincial Governor of Oddar Meanchey and
- E. Thon Nol (member of provincial council), who agreed to spend his valuable time to chair the Closing Workshop on the project called “Empowerment of Civil Society in Oddar Meanchey” (CISOM) I” and the Opening Workshop for CISOM-II.
- Acting director of Provincial Department of Agriculture (PDA) Mr. Kam Vuthython and
- Deputy director of Provincial Department of Women Affaires (PDoWA) for their participation and support in the organization of the workshop.
Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentleman, present here. I am very happy that you all responded to our invitation and thank you for attending in the workshop.
First allow me to briefly introduce ADDA and its main activities in Cambodia: ADDA is a Danish NGO that was established in 1994 by Danish and Cambodians living in Denmark with personal contacts in Cambodia and Vietnam. ADDA is a non-profit international organization working in Development in Southeast Asia and Africa.
In Cambodia, ADDA has cooperated with the Royal Government of Cambodia and local institutions since 1996 to contribute to the poverty reduction of Rural Cambodians, and successfully closing 2 other projects in Siem Reap:
- the Integrated Women Empowerment Project (IWEP) in 5 target districts of Siem Reap covering 130 villages, and approximately 30.000 farmers- funded by DANIDA.
- and the Innovative Approaches to food insecurity for urban and peri-urban poor (INFOSE) in Siem Reap, covering 7 sangkats and approximately 1,800 households- co-funded by the EU.
In Siem Reap, we are still implementing 2 more projects:
ADDA’s strategies’ core elements include formation of Farmer Field Schools and development of democratic Self Help groups, with a majority of women. Over the years it proved to have significant positive impacts on agriculture, economics, social development as well as environment. Especially it contributes to generally double the farmers’ income and provide the basis for development of well-functioning CBOs (community based organizations).
Emphasis of ADDA activities is also the capacity building of local partners which eventually lead to a stronger civil society.
In 2010, I-NGOs working in Oddar Meanchey have encouraged ADDA and its implementing partner READA to implement their concept in ODM province and recommended to work with reliable and experienced local NGOs (RCEDO, CIDO, KBA).
Followed then a rather long and careful project preparation had been designed.
The design of CISOM project is indeed the result of a careful analysis of the situation of the poor people, intensive stakeholders involvement and of course negotiation with the donor- a Danish fund in favor of civil society Development (CISU).
As the result, last 3 years, we officially launched the CISOM project, and this was a success for all of those who contributed to its preparation.
And NOW, today, we are officially closing the CISOM project with the great achievements and we are also very proud to declare the continuation of the CISOM II Project today.
See Bodil Pallesens speech in full length here.